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Costs Associated With Municipal Purchase
of New Sweeping Equipment

Following are some of the typical costs associated with owning and operating power sweeping equipment in-house.
  1. Final price of new sweeper(s) and related purchasing expenses.
  2. Yearly costs of parts for routine maintenance and normal wear items on sweeper and chassis, including servicing, tires, brush replacement, etc.
  3. Costs of labor for all maintenance listed in #2.
  4. Annual fuel costs for sweeping municipality.
  5. Payroll for yearly sweeping, including: hourly rate, health insurance, overtime, contributions to social security tax, unemployment tax, retirement funds, vacation and sick pay, etc.
  6. Workmen's compensation claims.
  7. Training of new sweeper operators.
  8. Liability insurance and other insurance premiums related to the municipal sweeping operations.
  9. Supervision and setup of sweeping programs.
  10. Depreciation on new sweepers.
  11. Cost of square footage of building allocated to sweeping operation management.

If you know of other factors that should be considered, please let us know.

We also have available online two charts designed to assist you in computing your overall cost of operating sweeping services. These charts will help you determine either your total cost per hour of your sweeping operation or your cost per curb mile.

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